This is a tool for computing the commit/reveal parameters based on the secret key engraved on the reverse of the sculpture.

WARNING: for security, you should only use this tool OFFLINE from an airgapped computer (right-click save the page as an HTML document to your local machine.) There is risk in entering your secret key in a web form on a machine connected to a network.

CLAIM: commit/reveal

Token ID:
Your hashmark token ID: 0 - 99.
ETH address:
The ETH address that will receive the hashmark digital token.
Secret Key:
32 byte hexidecimal code engraved on the back of your physical Hashmark.
A password of your choice. Will be used in the Reveal step. WARNING: this password will become publicly visible after the Reveal transaction. Use a unique, one-time password for the salt, that is not used anywhere else.